Wisconsin Biogas Council Events
Launch Event
Launch Event Presentations
Presentation highlighting event hosts, sponsors, and presenters as well as providing details on event schedule.
Opening presentation by Wisconsin Biogas Council. Organizational details and speaker transition slides.
Dean John Katers, College of Science & Technology, will provide a welcome to the University of Wisconsin Green Bay.
Will Charlton, President of Digester Doc will present on chemical and biological optimization techniques and technologies to improve the performance of your existing or new construction digester. Additional presentation content includes highlights on a Idaho project that is incorporating food wastes and has successfully connected to interstate and credit markets.
Bryan Johnson, Energy Tech Innovations, LLC
Justin Peterson, Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC
Mark Torresani, Cornerstone Envirornmental Group/BioCNG
Jeff Tocio, Pentair
Charlie Mayer of Clarke Energy will provide details on biogas based CHP systems.